Imagine a world where one tiny grain holds the power to feed millions—Soybeans do just that. They make up about 60% of the world’s oil-producing grains, thanks to their economic efficiency and the high-quality oil they provide. Each soybean is packed with about 40% protein and 18-22% oil, making it a vital crop. In the U.S., Soybean Oil is a staple, ranking just below China in popularity among edible oils.

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Vegetable oils are now one of the main sources of fat and energy in our diets, particularly as life gets busier. Extracted from various plant sources, these oils undergo processing for numerous food applications. With the market for edible fats and oils becoming increasingly competitive, evaluating products against industry standards is essential for both buyers and sellers. Therefore, investing in a small-scale or large-scale Edible oil refining process plant is a profitable opportunity.

"Why is soybean oil such a hit in so many households? The answer lies in a mix of health benefits, cooking versatility, and cost savings. Discover the reasons behind soybean oil's popularity and why it’s become a staple in kitchens around the globe."

Global Soybean Oil Production Statistics

Did you know that the global soybean oil market was worth USD 51.23 billion in 2023? And it’s only getting bigger! By 2032, experts predict it’ll grow to an impressive USD 68.42 billion, with a CAGR of 3.28% from 2024. The Asia Pacific region is leading the charge, holding a significant 46.52% of the market in 2023.

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What's driving this growth? Well, it’s all about the rising demand for cooking oils in our grocery stores and the growing popularity of plant-based foods. More and more people are choosing soybean oil, along with palm, olive, and coconut oils, especially when they're vitamin-fortified, organic, or non-GMO. Healthy eating is definitely in!

Global Soybean Oil Production Statistics

Soybean Oil Market Segment Analysis

The Asia-Pacific region made waves in the soybean oil market in 2022, claiming a whopping 32% of the global revenue. This success is fueled by the soaring demand for soybean oil in households and the food industry, particularly in fast-growing markets like India and China.

But that’s not all! North America is set to outpace other regions with the fastest growth rate from 2023 to 2030. With soybean oil making up nearly 75% of all vegetable oils used in the U.S., it’s clear that demand is skyrocketing. As noted by the National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX), the future looks bright for soybean oil in North America.

South America is also making headlines, with Brazil and Argentina at the forefront as leading producers and exporters of soybean oil. These countries are selling their processed oil to refiners who transform it into refined, bleached, and deodorized oil—ideal for food processing and manufacturing biodegradable plastics, lubricants, and biodiesel. China is a top buyer of this oil, and with Brazil’s government ramping up investment to boost biodiesel production, the region’s market is set for significant growth.

Nutritional Profile of Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is a popular choice in kitchens worldwide, and its nutritional profile plays a big role in its appeal. When comparing it with other edible oils, soybean oil stands out for its balanced composition of fats, vitamins, and essential nutrients. This balance contributes to its reputation as a healthy cooking oil, suitable for a variety of dishes.

Nutrient Soybean Oil Olive Oil Canola Oil Sunflower Oil
Calories (per tbsp) 120 119 124 120
Total Fat (g) 13.6 13.5 14 14
Saturated Fat (g) 2.1 1.9 1 1.5
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 3.1 10.2 8.9 3.5
Polyunsaturated Fat (g) 7.8 1.4 4.3 8.9
Omega-3 (g) 0.9 0.1 1.3 0.1
Omega-6 (g) 6.9 1.3 3.1 8.7
Vitamin E (mg) 1.3 1.9 2.4 5.6

Key nutrients and their benefits

The rise in soybean oil’s popularity is driven by its nutritional richness. Packed with vitamin E and a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it offers several health advantages.

Vitamin E: Soybean oil is an excellent source of vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage. It also boosts immune health and supports skin wellness. It contains more vitamin E than many other cooking oils, making it a smart choice for your diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health and must be obtained from food. Soybean oil is a great source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3, unlike corn or sunflower oils, which offer less. Adding soybean oil to your meals supports cardiovascular health and helps ease inflammation.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids: While omega-6s are often viewed with caution due to their inflammatory potential when consumed in excess, they are still essential fats. Soybean oil has a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, which is important for maintaining overall health. The key is to consume it in moderation, as part of a balanced diet, to reap the benefits without the risks associated with high omega-6 intake.

Monounsaturated Fats: Soybean oil contains a moderate amount of monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health and can help reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated Fats: It is a good source of polyunsaturated fats, which play a role in maintaining healthy cell membranes and supporting overall metabolic functions.

Health Benefits of Soybean Oil

Health Benefits of Soybean Oil

Soybean oil has become a popular choice for cooking and food preparation. Its health benefits make it a preferred option for many. Here’s why:

Supports Heart Health

The high content of polyunsaturated fats in soybean oil contributes to heart health. These fats can help lower levels of LDL cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol. Lowering LDL cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease. Soybean oil's heart-healthy fats can help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Strengthens immune system

Maintaining a healthy immune system allows your body to fight illness and immunological-related disorders. The omega-3 fats in soybean oil are beneficial to the immune system.

Improves skin health

Soybean oil is rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that shields the skin from free radicals. This vitamin helps improve blemishes, reduce acne scars, protect against sunburn, and promote new skin cell growth for faster healing. Inside the body, vitamin E boosts the immune system and combats free radicals that contribute to cancer, premature aging, cognitive issues, and heart disease.

Good for Bone Health

The vitamin K found in soybean oil supports bone health by aiding in calcium absorption and promoting bone density. Ensuring adequate vitamin K intake can help you maintain strong bones and decrease the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Promotes hair growth

Hair loss can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. Stress, hormonal imbalances, and pollution are known contributors. Using soybean oil, with its Vitamin E and omega-3 content, can be beneficial for improving hair health.

Antioxidant activity

The antioxidant properties of soybean oil combat free radical damage. Free radicals are known to cause skin issues, such as early aging, and can also lead to cancer, heart disease, and cognitive disorders.

Reduces signs of premature aging

Combat premature aging with soybean oil. Its omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids aid in collagen production, enhancing skin firmness and reducing wrinkles. Additionally, the isoflavones in soybean oil may help lessen early signs of aging in postmenopausal women. When used on the skin, it may diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cost-Effectiveness of Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is known for being one of the most budget-friendly edible oils on the market.The low price is due to the high volume of edible oil production from soybean seeds and its widespread distribution. Compared to more costly oils like olive or avocado, soybean oil provides an economical option for consumers.

This affordability allows it to be used by everyone, from home cooks to major food producers. Even with its lower price, soybean oil does not compromise on quality, which is why it remains a popular choice for cooking and food preparation.

Several factors determine the price of soybean oil. Global supply and demand, weather, and farming methods all play a role. When there’s a good soybean harvest, prices usually drop, but bad weather can cause prices to rise. Crude oil prices also impact soybean oil because they are related in the market. Even with these variables, soybean oil is still priced competitively, making it a great choice for those looking for value.

Common Myths About Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is a staple in many kitchens, but it’s surrounded by misconceptions. Let’s clarify some of the most common myths about soybean and its impact on health and the environment.

Soybean Oil Is Only Good for Cooking

Some think soybean oil is only useful for cooking. However, its applications are much broader. Soybean oil is a key ingredient in salad dressings and margarines, and it even finds its way into industrial products. This versatility showcases soybean oil's importance across different food and product categories.

Soybean oil possess Health Risks

Some people fear that consuming excessive amounts of soybean could negatively impact health, with concerns about thyroid function, hormones, or muscle development. In truth, soybeans offer advantages for muscle and bone health. The isoflavones in soybeans contribute to muscle strength and help protect against bone issues like osteoporosis. Eating soybeans in moderation is perfectly safe and can enhance your balanced diet.

Soybean Oil Causes Allergies

A rare but notable myth is that soybean oil can cause allergic reactions. Most individuals can safely use soybean oil without any allergic problems. However, those who are allergic to soy should avoid it, just like other soy products. For the rest of the population, soybean oil is considered safe and unlikely to cause allergies.

Soybean affects Hormones

There’s a misconception that soybean affects hormone levels due to its phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that can mimic estrogen. However, these compounds, called isoflavones, have a much weaker influence compared to human estrogen. Thus, soybeans do not significantly alter hormone levels. The phytoestrogens in soybeans are too mild to make a noticeable impact.

Soybean Oil Causes Weight Gain

Some think that soybean oil causes excess weight gain. The truth is, weight gain is affected by overall eating habits and activity levels. Using soybean oil in moderation as part of a balanced diet won’t lead to weight gain. Like any oil, consuming it in large amounts can contribute to weight issues. Balance is essential.

Soybean oil can harm Babies

Some may question whether soybean milk is appropriate for babies. The truth is, it’s a valuable addition to their diet. Soybean milk is rich in protein and low in both calories and fat. It provides essential nutrients necessary for growth and development, making it a great alternative to other milk options.

Soybean Protein Quality

Some believe soybean protein is not as good as other proteins. However, soybeans are incredibly versatile and have a neutral flavor, making them ideal for many recipes. Contrary to the myth that plant proteins are incomplete, soybean protein is actually a complete protein. It contains all the essential amino acids your body needs. Including soybean protein in your diet can help you meet your protein requirements effectively.

Soybean affects the Environment

There’s a belief that soybean farming negatively affects the environment, but this isn’t true. Approximately 87% of the soybeans produced globally are used to make soybean oil or cakes for animal feed. Just 6% of soybeans are consumed by people. This means that soybean farming has a relatively low impact on the environment compared to other types of agriculture.

Soybean affects the Environment

N&T Engitech: Expert Turnkey contractor for edible oil plant

Discover N&T Engitech, your ultimate resource for custom grain handling equipment. With a wealth of experience, we deliver innovative solutions that enhance efficiency and reduce costs. As a top turnkey contractor for edible oil plants, we also offer superior equipment for soybean facilities, ensuring top performance and reliability in your grain handling processes.

Our expertise lies in soybean crushing facilities, where we supply the necessary equipment and guidance for the Soybean oil extraction process. As leading soybean oil mill plant manufacturers, we help you navigate new regulations and develop improved fuel alternatives for your community.

We offer a range of products, including square sprouting solutions, multiple lining options, slide gates, diverter valves, and additional equipment to meet your soybean processing requirements. Our goal is to provide cost-effective services and products that maximize your efficiency.

When you need custom fabrication or engineering for soybean crush facilities, our knowledgeable team is here to help. Contact N&T Engitech to find out how our expertise can support your projects and provide durable, high-quality solutions.


The growing popularity of soybean oil can be attributed to its health benefits, adaptability in cooking, and affordability. It's also gaining traction in the food industry and renewable energy sectors. As consumers increasingly prioritize health and environmental impact, soybean oil will likely remain a top choice.

Staying informed and using the best equipment and practices will help you stay competitive in this expanding market. Contact N&T Engitech to discover how we can help you start a small edible oil manufacturing business. Our expertise and solutions are geared towards helping you build a successful and efficient operation.

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Riyaz Tunvar

Riyaz Tunvar, Sales and Marketing Director at N&T Engitech Pvt. Ltd., excels in transforming the edible oil sector. With deep expertise in oilseeds, oils, and fats technologies, he leads strategic initiatives, driving growth and innovation in cutting-edge edible oil plant and machinery solutions.

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