“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin

As a small edible oil plant owner, it's very important for you to find the best oil extraction machine manufacturer. Why? Because there is a direct relationship of your profitability with the quantity which can be achieved with a high-quality machinery.


Your edible oil refineries should have capacity that starts from as little as 3TPD and goes up to 5000 TPD. This can have a significant impact on your production efficiency and profitability.

According to Statista, the global vegetable oil production has been steadily increasing and will exceed 200 million metric tons 2023-24. This highlights the growing demand for efficient oil extraction solutions.

Hence, for small plant owners like you, the significance of selecting the right manufacturer cannot be overstated. It determines not only the quality and yield of your oil but also the long-term success and sustainability of your business.

In this blog post, you will learn all about the steps to find and choose the right edible oil plant manufacturer.

Let’s begin!

Understand Your Needs

The first step necessary when choosing an oil extraction machine is identifying the needs of your business. Identifying the precise requirements requires a good amount of research and analysis.

Identify Your Requirements

You must determine the following key requirements for your manufacturer:

  • Capacity: Determine the production capacity you need. Consider both current demand and future growth for your business.

  • Seed Type: Identify the types of seeds you will be processing. Different seeds may require different machinery specifications.

  • Level of Automation: Decide on the level of automation you want. Fully automated systems might cost more initially but can save on labor costs and increase efficiency in the long run.

Prioritize Key Features

Consider the key features you need in an oil extraction machine and ensure that your manufacturer offers them. The major features you must consider include:

  • Extraction Efficiency: Look for machines that offer high extraction efficiency to maximize yield.

  • Energy Consumption: Consider energy-efficient models to reduce operational costs.

  • Ease of Operation: Choose machines that are user-friendly and require minimal training for your staff.

Budget Considerations

While it's tempting to opt for the cheapest option, remember that quality equipment is an investment and not a cost. So, you must consider the following cost considerations while choosing the manufacturer:

  • Initial purchase cost

  • Installation expenses

  • Operational costs (energy consumption, maintenance)

  • Potential return on investment

Study the market extensively

To find reliable and high-quality edible oil plant and machine manufacturers you must do extensive research above the manufacturers.

Start with Online Research

Begin by searching over the internet via google. Go-through extensive pieces and listings, business directories, industry forums, and social media.

Curate the detailed list of manufacturers and identify the potential manufacturers from the list. And then research the potential ones, to land to the right one.

Check Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials can be a perfect first-hand information to be the deciding factor for your business. Read reviews online on their websites and other review sites like clutch & trust pilot.

Additionally, read the testimonials from the businesses the manufacturer has already served. This will help you understand the reputation and reliability of the manufacturers on your list.

See Industry Certifications and Awards

Look for certifications and industry awards that indicate a manufacturer’s commitment to quality and innovation.

Attend Trade Shows or Conferences

By attending trade shows and conferences you can meet and network with the best industry manufacturers.

You can see their oil extraction and seed crushing machines firsthand and ask questions. This will help you find or atleast filter out the best ones from the list and shorten the list even more.

Get Recommendations from Other Small Edible Oil Producers

Yes, you can get recommendations from other small edible oil producers. They must be using the machines for the same. So by talking to them and getting their insights, you can get one step closer to choosing the best edible oil refinery manufacturers.

How Long Have They Been in Business?

Do thorough analysis on how long the manufacturers you shortlisted are in business. The number of years of experience and the kind of track record they have maintained in those years can be a deciding factor on how reliable and effective they can be for your business.

Check their success stories

Every successful manufacturer must have success stories/case studies of their previous clients.

Look for those case studies or success stories that can demonstrate how the manufacturer’s machines have helped other small edible oil plants like yours to achieve their goals. This will help you find a trustworthy and more efficient manufacturer.

Consider a reference from the existing business owner.

Check with the existing business owners who are already using teh oil extraction machine. See which machine they are using, connect with the manufacturer they have bought it, and identify if it suits your business needs.


Evaluating the machine quality & capacity

The quality of the machines that the seed-crushing unit manufacturers offer for oil extraction plays a critical role. So, deeply evaluating the quality of these machines becomes an essential step in the selection process.

Evaluate the Material and Build Quality

Machines are a long-term investment and so the material and build quality are important factors to evaluate.

Assess the material in which the machinery is made along with its body and build quality. If the high quality materials and sturdy construction is taken into practice, it will ensure durability and longevity of the machines.

Know the Technology and Innovation

Stay updated with the latest technological advancements and innovations happening in the industry and the oil extraction machinery.

This way you will be able to look for the more modern and advanced versions of the machines in the market which will improve your efficiency and quality of the oil.

Durability, Efficiency, and Oil Yield

Depreciation is the poison for machines. So durability becomes a very essential factor when you are looking for machines. So, you need to assess the durability, efficiency, and oil yield of the machines.

Durable machines require less maintenance and have a longer lifespan, while efficient machines maximize oil yield and minimize waste.


Types of Support to Look For from edible oil plant and machine manufacturers

Support and maintenance is crucial for any machinery. Even a washing machine needs regular maintenance to keep it up and running. In case of oil extraction machines, the direct contact with oil and its impurities, makes it ever more vital to always have support on hand.

Thus, while you select an oil extraction machine manufacturer, consider the types of support they offer, such as:


Look for a manufacturer that will offer the best and professional machine installation services to set up your machinery in the right way. This will eliminate the unnecessary headache of installation and getting it started.


Your manufacturer must offer training to your staff about operating and handling the machinery. This allows your staff to effortlessly maintain the machinery with minimal supervision. Plus, it protects them from unwelcoming hazards.


Your machine would need a regular checkup and maintenance to keep it running smoothly without any downtime or interruptions on the working days.

So, you must look for the manufacturers that provides regular visits and maintenance for your machiner

Spare Parts Availability

Your machine manufacturer should also be your industrial spares parts manufacturers and suppliers. This means that if your machine needs a replacement to any of the parts, your manufacturer should have them readily available.

This way, you don’t have to worry about looking for parts in an emergency, and it will also minimize the downtime if any machine breaks down.

After sale consultation

After-sale consultation plays a crucial role in maintaining your machine quality, productivity, and profitability. It is essential for your manufacturers to provide you with a comprehensive support and guidance after the sale to ensure the smooth and efficient operation. This includes training on machine maintenance, troubleshooting, and optimization. An effective after sale consultation can lead to unexpected expenses, raw material procurement, reduce downtime, and increase customer satisfaction.

Compare Prices and Value

With quality, you need to make sure that your machine also yields a good return on investment and value. Hence, you must compare the prices of the machines, and strive to find the most cost-effective machine for your business.

Initial Costs vs. Long-term Value

Sometimes a machine may cost more initially but can yield long term value. So you must look for machines that have the capability to make oil extraction more efficient and productive in the long run.

Make it an investment rather than expenditure and enjoy the profits for a long time.

Financing Options

You must also explore financing options offered by your manufacturers. The options like EMI or installments can make it easier for you to afford the best-in-class high-quality machine without thinking about our budgets or bulk money shortage.

Customer Support and Service

A manufacturer you choose must be proactive and offer excellent customer support and service at all times. This support is paramount to ensure smoother operations and prompt resolution of all kinds of issues.

Importance of After-sales Support

After-sales service is very important when it comes to machines. So your manufacturer must provide excellent after-sales support to address any problems that you may face after purchase and installation of the machine at your site.

Such support can save you time and money. As you don't have to look for it elsewhere and pay any unnecessary extra/hidden fees.

Warranty and Spare Parts Availability

Check that your manufacturer offers a warranty of the machine and has the warranty terms in place.

Also ensure that all the spare parts your machine is available with your manufacturer as and when needed. A good warranty provides peace of mind and protects your investment.


Finding thе best oil extraction machine manufacturer for your small oil plant requires careful research and consideration. By understanding your needs, researching manufacturers, evaluating product quality, and considering support services, you can make an informed decision that can enhance your plant’s efficiency and profitability.

Sеlеcting thе right manufacturеr like N and T Engitech to buy the best oil extraction machine. They create various types of machineries based on the TPD range and budget. Connect with the experts at NandT Engitech and find the perfect oil extraction machine that suits your specific requirement. Whether you are inquiring about the machine or in the stage of comparison or at a buying stage, experts at Engitech are their to help you make the informed decision.


Riyaz Tunvar

Riyaz Tunvar, Sales and Marketing Director at N&T Engitech Pvt. Ltd., excels in transforming the edible oil sector. With deep expertise in oilseeds, oils, and fats technologies, he leads strategic initiatives, driving growth and innovation in cutting-edge edible oil plant and machinery solutions.

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